I hope I'll always remember what it feels like to hold Luca's tiny 5 week old body in my arms.

Hours, days, and weeks seem to wisp on by and already Luca is a completely different baby from when we first brought him home. It is bittersweet watching him grow. On one hand you get so elated every time he does something new, yet on the other hand you realize he'll never be this little again. I find myself gripping onto moments hoping time will miraculously stop for a while and sometimes in the twinkling of an eye or in the warmth of a big toothless grin it feels like it does. The actuality is he's coming into his own, and his little personality is blooming day by day. Every morning when his big blue eyes meet mine I fall in love all over again. It's magical really. I am a complete puddle at times when I think about how beautiful he is or over the fact that I cannot get over how much I love him. I was told he would come into my life and I would wonder how I ever got along without him, and isn't that the god-honest truth? I find myself staring at him completely lost in his movements when he's sleeping, when he's in a daze, when someone else is holding him. I just stare and relive the paradox of disbelief and reality that he is all mine. Is this for real? Is this my life? I don't know if the shock of it all will ever set in for me and if for some reason it never does, that'll be ok.

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