

 A while back, shortly after Luca was born, we had to last-minute evacuate our old home due to a potential mold infestation. It was a really old home, and our landlord was awful about upkeep and maintenance regarding the property. We later found out that a manhole had flooded the place shortly before we moved in and they never even disclosed this information to us prior to our move in. As much as I loved that home, it had its issues as you can see from this post. After a ton of legal research and many many phone calls later, we decided to leave one month prior to our lease ending.

 It was bittersweet for me. I knew Gardena was a transitional home--a place marker, while we built up our funds, I knew the baby would need space (our old place was a shoebox), and I knew we were outgrowing our home even when it was just Miles and I, but I had such an emotional attachment to our beach bungalow. A lot happened in the short year we lived there, so many memories were formed in those small quarters, and I didn't get a proper goodbye. One moment it was our home, and the next we were told to leave asap, and not to re-enter due to spore exposure hazards. Miles packed up the place in three days, put everything in storage, and we turned in the keys. With absolutely no place to go, my wonderful grandmother offered her Mission Bay vacation home to us until we could find a new place. We currently reside in a beautiful home that sits right on the bay and I can't complain one bit. What I will say though, is I am more than ready to have our own home again. Our little nomadic family is ready to settle down.
Miles travels a lot with his job, and so we recently decided to make the leap and move somewhere more central to where he'd be headed, and somewhere closer to my family so I'd have help while he's away. With that being said, I am happy and excited to announce that we are moving to Riverside! I'm headed back to my hometown, my roots, the motherland. We plan to move back to San Diego when Luca starts school, but in the mean time we will have our own home for the first time ever! A home that doesn't have adjoining walls to neighbors, doesn't reside in a 'complex', and has rooms (plural!),  and a real yard! The closest we've come to having a yard in the past was a planter box. We'll be moving into our new house in January, so for a short time longer we will enjoy our ocean view, the smells of the sea, and all of the things we so love about living in San Diego. 

Happy Monday!

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