Happy Easter everyone! We had a wonderful Easter Eve painting and decorating easter eggs, hanging with Luca's Auntie Em, meeting her puppy Charlie whom Luca felt both curious and totally terrified of, and eating a delicious homemade lunch and then indulging in snacks upon snacks upon snacks while we died the eggs (I'm still stuffed). We wandered around Emily's gorgeous yard, a botanical garden which feels as though it was ripped right out of a storybook. We stared in awe at a massive beehive that was nestled in a large palm tree and wondered how big the queen must be. I was more focused on how often the fellow bees fly down to linger as I am just about as terrified of bees as Luca was of Charlie. We both survived thankfully unscathed and unstung.
I regress. Luca is officially on the move. He hasn't quite mastered the full hands and knees crawl quite yet but he definitely has down what I like to call "the trench crawl" where he looks like he's crawling through swamp bushes or under barbed wire. And when I say mastered, I mean he's swift, he's got the turbo switch on, no hybrid here.
On a final note: Thank you mother earth for the beautiful weather we've been having! It makes being apart from Encinitas a little more bearable...Not to mention my patience level has rapidly been recovering [Heat=me aggro] and I know with my patience levels evened out the world is simply a better place, just ask my husband. Happy wife, Happy Life.
Luca didn't get to meet the Easter bunny, but Charlie could probably pass as one with all that luscious white fur--and I'm pretty sure had we taken Luca's photo with the easter bunny Luca's facial expression would have been exactly the same as in the photo below...

A joyous and Happy Easter from my family to yours.
I wish you tons of happiness, candy, and cage-free hardboiled eggs to indulge in.
Who else is ready for day after easter egg salad sandwiches?!
raised hand waving in the air over here!
1 comment:
We are all so very blessed! Love you all so very, very much.
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