I turned 24 a week ago and I can't tell you how greatful I am to have such an amazing batch of family & friends. I felt so special all day, receiving tons of well wishes and lots of love. So thank you to all who thought of me on my special day!
This was my first birthday with a baby and let me tell you, a birthday with a baby is pretty much the most awesome thing ever. As if the kid doesn't make me feel important and giddy enough on a daily basis, Luca gave me enough love to last me the rest of the year followed by his adorable applause after the grand "happy birthday" song was sung. I'm just happy I didn't have to sing the meatball birthday song like I used to at the restaurant I waited tables at once upon a time (trust me when I say that "the meatball song" is too embarrassing to explain). Uggghhh, why did I even bring it up? Now it's stuck in my head!
Moving on.
On my actual birthday my boys and I drove out to Costa Mesa and did a little shopping, I ate strawberry cream-filled crepes at noon because it was my birthday and who doesn't want crepes dusted with angel dust powdered sugar mid-afternoon? Crap, I'll eat crepes all day any day who needs a special occasion for crepes? That's right. No one. They were a small piece of Paris and a butt load of calories, luckily Luca wanted to be carried around for the remainder of our shopping excursion because nothing says calorie burning like one-arming a 27 pounder. My little bunch o' chunk is what I always prayed for. You know how little girls dream of ponies and dollhouses? Well I used to pray for a chunky baby with rubber band wrists (you know when the arm rolls are so apparent it looks like there's a rubber band tightly wrapped around their little wrists, right above those adorable dimpled hands? Yes. Those my friends are called rubber band wrists and I go nuts for them)

Here is Miles at dinner trying to desperately explain to the older generations at the table why eating organically is important. He was using big words such as 'Monsanto' and 'Genetic Modification.' God I love when he talks nerdy.
Anyway, I think it is safe to say that bringing up dietary matters in this day and age is just as taboo as talking about religion, money, politics and the movie "Black Fish." You just shouldn't go there. But they did and so while that conversation carried on my step-sister and I took selfies like this. Doesn't it look like we're in the jungle sans the crutch in the bushes?? Hakuna Matata, it means no worries.
Thus far, 24 has been great. I've got all a girl could ever need. I'm good.
Now here are 24 fun facts about me that you may or may not know:
1. I hate when people are grammatically incorrect. Yes, there is a difference between there, their, and they're--Its and it's--and sherbet is pronounced "sure-bay" not "sure-bert." I'm pushing my glasses up from falling off my nose with my index finger as I type this.
2. I wear contacts and glasses depending on my mood. I have a crazy bad astigmatism in both my eyes (thanks dad) and my eyes have two different prescriptions, but I'm way too scared to get laser surgery. I am now also having trouble reading too which pretty much means I'm S.O.L. Without my contacts or glasses I'm as blind as a bat.
3. My name is spelt Chel-sie rather than the traditional Chel-sea, and for some reason this really confuses folks. I'm told I was named Chelsie after my mom read an article about Chelsea Clinton and fell in love with the name. My grandmother tells me I am named after the daughter in the film "On Golden Pond." So who really knows.
4. My mom was one of ten and my dad one of three, so I have a HUMONGOUS family and I love being a part of it. It is chaotic at times and sending out invites and thank yous can sometimes be a bitch, heck it could even give you carpal tunnel, but there is always someone there for you. Everyone has each other's backs and we all have mad love for one another. Most of us live in California too so the gatherings are endless, and the gossip plain outrageous. We'd make for a really good reality TV show.
5. I met my husband because he was my roommate. Unconventional, but cool story.
6. I always had a fear growing up that I wouldn't be able to have children, but clearly that wasn't the case. Luca was a total surprise and my little miracle baby. What did I know?
7. I don't drink coffee, although I love the way it smells. I am obsessed with tea.
8. My sister and I look like twins. We're the same height, clothing size, shoe size, have same hair and eye color and have similar facial structures, but we are three years apart.
9. I had the hardest pregnancy, but the easiest labor and delivery.
10. I love to travel, but get major anxiety over flying. It never stops me though.
11. I have been practicing yoga since I was 18, and it has changed my life.
12. I love to cook and I love to bake, but I HATE doing the dishes. Dishes are my least favorite chore next to folding my laundry.
13. My birthday is National Donut Day! Hollllaaaa!
14. I once sat next to Jennifer Carpenter (Dexter's sister) on a flight home from Kentucky. She was really nice.
15. I binge watched the whole first season of Orange is the New Black on netflix and now that the second season is out, I am trying to restrain myself, or rather Luca is restraining me. Why would they throw the entire season at you at once?! It's as if they want you to stay in your pajamas, disregard showering and and lose days of your life completely enthralled by Piper Chapman and her prison drama.
16. I make all of Luca's baby food from scratch.
17. I am highly less organized than my husband. I procrastinate like it's in style, but work well under pressure. I also have great long-term memory, but my short-term memory makes a goldfish look good.
18. I have my bachelor's degree in Literature & Writing and will start teaching as a substitute in the fall.
19. Crafting is my passion, and I am a perfectionist which can be both a bad and good thing.
20. I have all the dominant features, but my son looks just like his dad.
21. Going to the beach is one of my all time favorite things to do & I love what the ocean does to my skin and hair.
22. I once pulled all four of my molars out in one weekend because my dad jokingly said he'd give me a 100 bucks if I did it. Guess who got the last laugh?! I'm highly competitive by nature.
23. I love playing the piano but I cannot and refuse to read music. I only memorize songs and my favorite song to play is "Maple Leaf Rag" by Scott Joplin.
24. I love my baby, my husband and our family and friends more than anything in the world and I would do anything for them.
"We may not have it all together, but together we have it all"
Well, I hope you enjoyed, and bravo to you if you made it all the way to the bottom. I am slow-clapping it out for you! If you haven't yet you-tubed Jenna Marbles you should do yourself a favor and do so right now.
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