I thought it would be fun to start a mid-week segment where we share with you a few things that are brightening up our week/things we are eye-balling aka our "top picks" & make it a day where we discuss specific "topics" we are currently enthralled by. Sound like a good time? Well, I sure hope so because this is my blog and I can write about anything and everything I want! TOTALLY KIDDING, well partially anyway. Although I can in fact do the above, this is no dictatorship and I really really love & appreciate your feedback, so if there is something you really like, please let me know! And if there is something you really dislike feel free to share too--I'm open to diversity people, and this blog only lives as long as there are people to read it! Happy readers fuel happy writers which in turn produces happy material to write about so we'll see how long this lasts or more practically speaking, how long I last at keeping up with it...
We'll start with topics, and sticking within the common theme here surrounding the letter "T," I'll talk about two things: Teething & Teaching. Luca has four teeth as of now and I'm damn near positive he's about to break through a couple more, either that or the terrible twos have come way ahead of schedule, but I'm going to stick with the former. This past week Luca came down with the flu and was running a high temperature for about two and a half days. This was the first time he had been sick since we brought him home from the hospital, and it just about broke my heart. There was nothing I could do to soothe him and he was in total agony. So after a good run sans binky, we had a relapse. And the binky has become the hottest commodity around here since Orange is the New Black Season 2 came out. We had a good run, I say.
Terrible Teething
In any case, after the flu came and went, Luca was back to his perky ol' bubbly self with binky in tow, and I was a happy mama. A few days later, Luca began acting really irritable and I couldn't figure out why. This was so out of character, he had no fever, he'd cry hysterically & act like he wanted to be picked up, but the moment I'd hold him, he'd want to be put down and the cycle would go on and on...Anytime I'd try to brush his teeth he'd go completely bonkers and that was when I cracked the code. To sum things up, the past few days have been reallllly long, but we're just holding on to our metaphorical inner tube & riding along with the ebb and flow. This doesn't mean I don't walk into the other room at times and scream into my pillow, or sit on the floor and cry for a solid five, but then I feel better, gather my composure and put on some good music aka Beyonce. We all love Beyonce in this house, Miles for much different reasons than Lu and I, but regardless Beyonce is a swanky independent woman, and I like that. Teething will test your patience, it will bring you to your knees at times and has the audacity to revert a grown woman (or man) back into a baby. I keep reminding myself the teething will pass, all the women who have mothered before me are standing in my corner, and on the brighter side, Fall is just around the corner! This is just a season in our lives and just like all the others, this too shall pass, and when it does you bet your sweet sweet bottom I'll be baking pumpkin cookies and wearing a sweater. every day. Until spring, or until it's just too hot to continue on and beads of sweat grace my forehead like a crown. Im going out royally.
You guys! It's almost sweater season!!! I'm seasonally impatient & wildly excited! A little teething aint gonna cramp my style!
This past, week school started & I started working again as a substitute teacher. I love it! I'm living out my childhood make-believe dreams of being in a classroom, only this time my little sister Carlie isn't my only student, and I get paid! Holla! I don't give out half the amount of detention slips either, I was a seriously strict ten year old. No really though, it was about time I ponied up and started looking into doing something I really love. When I'm there, I forget I'm even getting paid. I'd seriously do it for free as a hobby, just don't tell the principal I said that. The freshman are my favorite, all green in the ways of the world, and they are actually excited to learn. I couldn't get the seniors to participate in a discussion if I bribed with donuts. Who doesn't give in for donuts? Oh yeah, almost eighteen year olds who are cooler than the other side of the pillow. Donuts are so good, but the freshman are great. They are also brutally honest. One girl told me I had the biggest sock bun she'd ever seen and asked if it was a fake clip on, another student told me I looked too young to be teaching (I was totally flattered), and my favorite was the student who asked if I'd ever been in a lifetime movie because she swore she had seen me in a flick she'd seen on lifetime a day she stayed home sick from school last year. No, I've never been in a movie, and had I, it would not have premiered on the lifetime network. I'm more of a Hallmark kinda gal. I can only imagine the adventures that lie ahead in this field, but I'm excited. I feel whole. I finally found my niche, and I can recognize that this is something that makes me really happy.
Terrible Teething
In any case, after the flu came and went, Luca was back to his perky ol' bubbly self with binky in tow, and I was a happy mama. A few days later, Luca began acting really irritable and I couldn't figure out why. This was so out of character, he had no fever, he'd cry hysterically & act like he wanted to be picked up, but the moment I'd hold him, he'd want to be put down and the cycle would go on and on...Anytime I'd try to brush his teeth he'd go completely bonkers and that was when I cracked the code. To sum things up, the past few days have been reallllly long, but we're just holding on to our metaphorical inner tube & riding along with the ebb and flow. This doesn't mean I don't walk into the other room at times and scream into my pillow, or sit on the floor and cry for a solid five, but then I feel better, gather my composure and put on some good music aka Beyonce. We all love Beyonce in this house, Miles for much different reasons than Lu and I, but regardless Beyonce is a swanky independent woman, and I like that. Teething will test your patience, it will bring you to your knees at times and has the audacity to revert a grown woman (or man) back into a baby. I keep reminding myself the teething will pass, all the women who have mothered before me are standing in my corner, and on the brighter side, Fall is just around the corner! This is just a season in our lives and just like all the others, this too shall pass, and when it does you bet your sweet sweet bottom I'll be baking pumpkin cookies and wearing a sweater. every day. Until spring, or until it's just too hot to continue on and beads of sweat grace my forehead like a crown. Im going out royally.
You guys! It's almost sweater season!!! I'm seasonally impatient & wildly excited! A little teething aint gonna cramp my style!
This past, week school started & I started working again as a substitute teacher. I love it! I'm living out my childhood make-believe dreams of being in a classroom, only this time my little sister Carlie isn't my only student, and I get paid! Holla! I don't give out half the amount of detention slips either, I was a seriously strict ten year old. No really though, it was about time I ponied up and started looking into doing something I really love. When I'm there, I forget I'm even getting paid. I'd seriously do it for free as a hobby, just don't tell the principal I said that. The freshman are my favorite, all green in the ways of the world, and they are actually excited to learn. I couldn't get the seniors to participate in a discussion if I bribed with donuts. Who doesn't give in for donuts? Oh yeah, almost eighteen year olds who are cooler than the other side of the pillow. Donuts are so good, but the freshman are great. They are also brutally honest. One girl told me I had the biggest sock bun she'd ever seen and asked if it was a fake clip on, another student told me I looked too young to be teaching (I was totally flattered), and my favorite was the student who asked if I'd ever been in a lifetime movie because she swore she had seen me in a flick she'd seen on lifetime a day she stayed home sick from school last year. No, I've never been in a movie, and had I, it would not have premiered on the lifetime network. I'm more of a Hallmark kinda gal. I can only imagine the adventures that lie ahead in this field, but I'm excited. I feel whole. I finally found my niche, and I can recognize that this is something that makes me really happy.
Some of our top picks of the week include this Rifle Paper Co. phone case (On sale now!) I've had my eye on it since I cracked my screen last week. My phone went face first on to the gravel concrete as I slid Luca into a shopping cart, and shattered on impact. It was a sad sad day in the world of my phone and my middle toe which was stabbed & splintered by a shard of glass that fell from my fragmented screen. Blood was shed, tears should have been shed (but I was in public), but miraculously, life went on. Anyway, long story short, I opted for this Madewell one because it was on sale in store for $3 dollars after tax! Can't beat that! We are also trying to get more organized since both Miles and I are working now and the paper source was offering 15% off coupon so I chose this academic planner due to its compactness and large space for writing.
I'm also loving this place called the Lab anti-mall out in orange county. Someone had sweater bombed the whole place and I loved envisioning someone sitting for hours knitting a sweater for a metal pole or a tree trunk! Plus they have a delicious vegan restaurant my friend Emily took us to that is so good. We had kombucha and rice bowls & Lu loved all the color mosaic tiles everywhere. He would touch each tile so delicately, humming as he went along. He was in his own little world!
And last, but certainly not least, target has these sippy cup mason jars that are too cute to pass up! Perfect for smoothies, and just the right size for little hands. The best part, it has one of those straw stopper rings too so Luca can't fling the straw and his drink everywhere!
Well there you have it! I hope you all are having a great week and for us the countdown until Miles returns begins--4 more days! And don't forget, in 2 days the Mustela giveaway ends so enter while you can!
My life may be chaotic and eventful in the terms of a toddler, but I like it. It feels fierce & vivacious. Meaningful & sincere. Fearless & Brave.
In the words of Beyonce, The best thing is looking back and realizing how good life is. If you don't take the time to think about it and analyze it, you'll never realize all the dots that are connected."
Yes. This is swanky living friends.
&I'm pretty sure it's exactly what Beyonce's life is like.
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