
I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers...

Did September even exist this year or have I just been in a bubble of busyness? I have been so busy that I haven't even made it to the grocery store. It's so bad that I'm working with a half carton of soy milk, a container of pumpkin cream cheese, and I'm gnawing on raw macaroni noodles as a snack. Don't feel bad, lord knows I needn't anymore baby goldfish and halloween oreos. And don't you worry, Luca polished off the last of my noosa pumpkin yogurt, devoured some annie's mac n' cheese, and was fed the last of the quinoa/kale medley he's been favoriting. As you can tell, this kid is not being starved--the cheeks definitely do not lie.
Tomorrow is the first of October & my heart's telling me to throw on a sweater but the weather is telling me to slap on the SPF. I will say, we did have a really nice Sunday in Corona Del Mar with beautiful fall weather and wonderful family. I was finally able to live out some of my autumn pinterest board dreams and crunch some leaves beneath my boots, nosh some vanilla bean ice cream topped with peaches & raspberries, and adorn Lu with this pumpkin beanie I stumbled upon some time back. I couldn't wait to call Luca my little "pumpkin head" and have it be true! I know,  I'm a total nerd, but these are the moments that make my heart full.
Luca met & tried befriending my cousin's dog, Lucy, but for the first time ever, it was the dog afraid of Lu. Luca kept chasing after Lucy chanting "wuuff wufff wufff," and I could tell Lucy was shitting bricks. I understood--a squealing plumpkin wearing moccasins was charging straight for her, totally not the norm. She eventually warmed up a bit when Luca started tossing her some puffs. Food can connect even the most unlikely of friends, at least in our family. In the Wood house, food is connection. Food is love. Food is life. On that note, I will let the rest of the photos do the talking while I scavenge the cupboards for anything edible.
(minnetonka booties found here)
I wish you all a very fall-ish first day of October & I hope you find that burst of energy knowing we are officially halfway through the week! 
lots & lots of pumpkins & acorns, Chels & the littlest gentle soul there ever was

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