miles and i try and keep screen time, whether tv, iPad, or iPhone to a minimum, as do most parents. in small doses though, we don't see any harm. something we do try to incorporate into anything electronic is trying to pick & choose apps or television programs that are interactive & educational. before L was first born, we read all types of articles that said "absolutely no screen time before the age of two!" yeah, that one went out the window real quick...we were so peculiar, and, at times, completely ridiculous about the types of activities we would never let our child partake in. as time went on, and we became a little more seasoned, we loosened up a bit, and found that some things are simply unavoidable. now, i'm not advocating you use the television as your babysitter, but a little bit of the tube here and there, under your supervision, certainly isn't going to ruin your children. i remember taking lu to his 20 month appointment and reading a questionnaire that asked "do you put your child in front of a tv or any other electronic device?" i felt so guilty, i'm ashamed to admit, but i lied checked no! and then i pulled the whole "so i have a friend who let's her kid watch a little tv sometimes & even play with an iPad, but she is totally cautious & frugal about it, is that a total no-no?" she looked at me, half laughing, and said "chelsie, it's totally fine if luca watches a little sesame street, just don't overdo it." "oh, ok, i'll let my friend know, thanks," i said sheepishly & annoyed. i was so embarrassed! i was also completely relieved, but mostly just embarrassed. but i got over that little bind, and stuck with the "everything in moderation rule," and it hasn't proved me wrong yet. if something changes, i'll let you know, but in the mean time i've listed a couple of our family's favorite apps below.

drawnimal is a really fun interactive hybrid app that brings together art & education. lu loves watching me draw all the animals of the alphabet onto a paper turning my phone into a cat or elephant. this is a great app for involving both the parent and child while using fine motor skills. i find myself doodling around with this app when i'm at work sometimes & six or seven animals in, i realize luca isn't even playing with me!

are there any children apps that you love? do you have any favorites i should know about?! do share!
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