Friday night Miles and I went downtown and had our first date since Luca was born. It was so nice to get some one on one time uninterrupted and with no responsibilities for a few hours. This was Luca's face when we broke the news to him that we would be leaving him for the night...(and I'm not gonna lie, it was just as difficult for me!) It's funny how you think that at this age they'll actually notice you're gone or won't get by without you while your away. I'll tell you something though, as soon as I handed Luca off to my granny he wouldn't have cared or noticed if I'd have left for the entire week! He was just as content as could be, which of course made me a little sad, but I knew he was in good hands so I got over it.
Getting out helped me to reclaim my identity outside motherhood and made me realize how good it feels to just do you sometimes. Being consumed by your baby those first few months sometimes makes you forget who you were before they made their way into your life. For me, the line between Mama and Chelsie had become a bit blurred, but I seemed to pick up right where I had left off.
You know I couldn't pass up a photo op with a fall display on a street corner in little Italy.
Or throwing in this random yet perfect e-greeting that describes precisely how I feel.
Miles and I found an adorable Italian restaurant to eat at called La Villa. I saw Butternut Squash Ravioli on the menu and decided we need not look further, although indecisive me ended up ordering something totally different.
Blame it on Fall, but I'm in a soup craze. My passion for anything warm and cozy cannot be tamed. From the first of September until Valentines Day I revel in the cool weather and will look for any excuse to bundle up, throw on a sweater, and serve myself something hot in a bowl.
Miles and I recovered that romance that tends to get brushed off to the side somewhere between warming bottles and changing diapers. It was like beginning anew. We ate good food, and talked and talked. We shared laughs and of course could not resist babbling on about how much we love our baby boy. Since Luca, I have fallen in love with my husband all over again, but for different reasons than I had before. As each new challenge or chapter unveils itself I know at my core that we will get through. Somehow, someway we will always find our way back to one another. If I've learned anything, I've come to know that the good times will always be good, and getting through the hard times makes the good times that much better and our relationship that much stronger.
Here's to living a real life fairytale. xoxo.

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