This 4th of July we learned two things: 1. Luca is the most chill baby ever and 2. Spontaneous camping is extremely difficult even with the most chill baby ever.
We decided somewhat last minute to drive to Newport Dunes where my dad and some of our family were camping for the weekend. We didn't have plans, so we figured we'd escape the heat and head to the beach. Mind you, I brought the same suitcase I used when we went to Hawaii for a week and we were only going for the night. Bringing the Baby=Be prepared for ANYTHING, so I was. Miles brought a duffle bag the size of my purse and asked why Lu and I needed such a huge, oversized suitcase. I told him just to go with it, nothing I was bringing needed to be explained (I mean you never know when you're going to need a tambourine, right?). Yet, even still I forgot a few things. The tambourine made it & Luca had three different outfits just for the 4th, but somehow I forgot pajamas & a jacket for myself. Motherhood goes something like this--
Me: opens the door and says, "No really, after you Luca."
Luca: Walks right on through, never looking back.
Me: Gets hit by the door on my way out (Makes note to self to walk faster next time)
It's a forever learning curve. Even with all my notes, sometimes I still get thrown up on, take hits to the shin unfolding the stroller, and my favorite getting poop under my fingernails while wiping Luca's tush.
It's a labor of love & aside from all the mishaps, it's completely joyous, momentous, lighthearted, and ineffable.
We drove up early saturday morning and upon our arrival I was already sweating. The humidity sat heavy on us, even Lu was sweating. We did the only sensible thing and put on our beach attire, wearing as minimal as possible. We met up with the fam & my friend Sara, who has a boat at the harbor and hung out there for most of the day. The beach looked like a club so we steered clear of the rave and only went in the water at the harbor's swimming pool. Maybe I'm just getting old, but crowds bother me so much more than they used to. I like low key events where you can hear yourself think and hold a conversation without a drunken crowd singing Shaggy's "Angel" in the background. Damnit, I still can't get that song out of my head!
We still had a great time & the fireworks show was awesome. I was shocked that it didn't phase Luca one bit, he just sat contently on Miles' lap and held a tight grip on his red and blue glow sticks. He fell asleep right before the grand finale and after that, like a couple of old birds, we decided to call it a night and head back to the RV.

In the RV was a set of stairs and in the two days we were there, I think Luca managed to climb them 500+ times. He even tumbled down once and scared the living daylight out of me. But he got up like a champ and proceeded to keep on climbing. Let me remind you that nothing in an RV or on a dock is baby proofed, so you can't relax for a second because in that instance Luca could be trying to climb the ladder to your top bunk or wanting to take a dip in the bay. My heart palpitations are just now starting to slow down. All in all it was a good time and Luca's radio flier wagon saved our lives. We could have plopped him in that and wheeled him around all day and he would've been happy as a clam. He was the center of attention as we strolled throughout the aisles of campers. At one point, I kid you not, I was carrying him in my sakura bloom wrap and he gently stroked a woman's hair walking past us. She just laughed and I gave Luca a look like "who are you child?!" Miles gave him a high five.
I hope you all had a memorable holiday and aren't feeling to fried today! Miles and I for the first time ever woke up before Luca, so I know he must be feeling the exhaustion. Even after a great time, nothing beats the feeling of being home sweet home. Miles is working on the front garden today, and Lu and I are cold chillin', taking it easy, and finishing up a few things around the house. Well, until next time, "I wanna show the nation my appreciation"...NOT.
But seriously, I do love this country, and life is good isn't it?
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