When Miles is out of town, I run things solo. So this is how I get on with my mornings when I'm a lone ranger.
1. Push yourself to jump out of bed aka don't press the snooze button.
If you're like me and your alarm clock isn't electronic, but rather in the form of a chubby hand (with surprisingly good aim & strength I might add) smacking you in the face, mumbling in a high pitched squeal "maaaa maaaa maamaaaaa!" then this may be a bit easier for you--nothing screams get up already like nearly having your eye ball poked out while 25 pounds of love climbs atop your rib cage... But if your alarm is an actual clock or your cell phone rather, try to get up on the first alarm. We all know 5 more minutes turns into at least another half an hour.
Waking up early is definitely one of my biggest challenges in life, but once I'm up and running I'm usually good to go. Although, I can't lie, I live for the days when Miles is home. "And the nominee for best. husband. ever. goes to...drumroll please....Miles J. Wood!" (applause sign flashing and an assemblage of clapping is heard in the background) Anytime the hubby is home I am able to sleep in or take naps in the afternoons **Praises be to sweet, sweet baby Jesus** An extra thirty minutes or a short snooze mid day makes a world of difference, so nap your little heart out when and as often as you can. In turn I let Miles go and get hour long full body massages at 8:30 at night. They are cheap as dirt, if you live in the area and are looking for an inexpensive, yet legitimate massage, comment and I'll share the details. He swears by them, and I promise there are no "happy endings" involved.
2. Make the bed right away
This is something I've started to do and it makes me feel so good when I walk into my room and it looks somewhat orderly. It literally takes two minutes...You don't have to pottery barn it, just pull up the sheets and blankets, give your pillow a quick fluff, and top things off with your throw pillows. If you don't make it right then, chances are it will stay unmade and as my mother taught me, "A cluttered house is a cluttered mind." I'm really working on getting myself organized & this is one step in the right direction.
3. Begin to brew your coffee or tea right away/Prep Breakfast
Make sure once you are up you begin to begin to prep any breakfast that will need to be toasted or cooked, and begin to brew your coffee or tea. I don't drink coffee, only loose leaf tea and so it takes a tad longer to make so prepping everything I need before my shower is important. I also make Luca's bottle.
4. Shower
While your coffee or tea is brewing, bring the baby into the bathroom, get the shower running, and set the babe up in their seat or rocker. Then, right before you're about to hop in, give them their bottle.
This will give you give-or-take 5 or 6 minutes to suds up and rinse off, but you'll feel refreshed. I miss the days when I could just stand in the hot water for as long as I wanted, but hey at least my water bill is cheaper and I'm conserving water which aids the California drought, right??
I have really thick hair, so it's unnecessary and wasteful to wash it daily. I usually will wash it every 2-3 days but if it begins to get oily early, I spray and tuft in some dry shampoo. This also extends the life of my shampoo & conditioner.
A few pre-shower tips: First, while still dry, before hopping in take a body brush and starting at your feet brush in an upward motion over your entire body--this will remove dead skin cells and cure chapped elbows. Secondly, take your pumice stone and quickly rub your callouses while still dry, your feet will thank you later. Also always end your showers with uncomfortably cold water, this is good for your hair, and will tighten up all of your pores, and as a small plus, the cold will help you to wake up.
6. Dress yourself, dress your kids.
Get yourself dressed and ready, and if you don't have time to put on your make up, throw on some bb cream and mascara. The key to a good day is feeling good about yourself, so whatever helps you to do that, do it. And finally, dress your babies. This has become more fun and at the same time more challenging as Luca gets older, but once this is done, I feel like we are ready to start the day!
Welp, there you have it. A quick review of our morning routine! Here is Luca practicing his sign language. He is saying more to "Finding Nemo." If you haven't heard of it, google "baby sign language," it's so interesting and amazing how children's small minds can grasp so much. Baby sign also helps hugely with communication. We use "The Baby Signing Bible," by Laura Berg, and so far I've been more than pleased with how helpful it is. Luca's first sign was "more," and it's funny because refuses to sign "all done," which is so much more simple to sign than more, but this kid is never all done. He's continues to keep me young, on my toes, and ready for anything!
P.S. Hats off to all the single parents out there, or those with spouses deployed. You folks are the true heroes. Support is the sanity of parenting and therefore, you have my utmost respect. I admire you so much and am your #1 cheerleader!
Hope your weekend is lovely and hoping ours is cooler (weather-wise)
Hope your weekend is lovely and hoping ours is cooler (weather-wise)
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