In recent times we've dedicated Sundays to tying up loose ends from the week and ordering sushi take-out, so much so that we've dubbed sundays "sushi sundays." Once you have an infant you develop a whole new appreciation for phrases like 'take-out' and 'ordering in,' and you begin asking questions such as "why is room service only offered in hotels?" Anyhow, we sit on the floor in true Japanese style and eat at the coffee table. Miles uses chopsticks and I use my fingers because I have absolutely no chopstick coordination. Absolutely none whatsoever. I only use chopsticks when I have one of those plastic chopstick cheater things they give to kids that turn chopsticks into tweezers. Sad, I know. I usually get super excited when I realize it's sushi sunday, but for some reason I was over it this week.
This past Sunday brought with it a chill in the air so I decided we'd do 'soup sundays' instead of sushi, and I cooked up a pot of homemade butternut squash soup in true fall fashion. The soup was overly delicious. I'd go so far as to say it was on the same delicious level as Nordstrom's tomato soup which is basically like calling myself Wolfgang Puck. You can find the recipe I used
here. I spiced things up a bit further by adding to each bowl a tablespoon of heavy cream and a dash of cinnamon. As an added bonus, making this soup allowed me to successfully check off my first completed task on my fall bucket list. Double win! or should I say BAM! Oh wait, that's Emeril Legasse...

Luca is 12 weeks old today! His personality is just blossoming day by day and he's on the verge of laughing. He's soooo close! Right now he just does the silent crack up which cracks me up, and every once in a while he'll do the under his breath giggle which is flat out hilarious because it sounds like he's fake laughing. One of these days, very soon, he's going to let out the biggest belly laugh, I can just sense it. But one thing is for certain, this child loves to smile. I have one happy kid. Festive too, I might add. He takes after his mama.

He also loves his sleep. We go on daily walks around the bay, and every time we only make it about ten feet before he is out like a light. Put me in a stroller with the sound of the tide rolling in, fresh air in my face, and I'd be out too. It's a good thing Luca wont remember living here because anywhere we move from here on out is a total downgrade. It's also a shame he wont have recollections of it all because this place is so special and beautiful and these are some of the best times of my life.
I complain about being tired and having to stay up to feed the little guy, but truthfully I don't mind. He'll only be this small for such a short time and someday I'll long for the days when he was still small enough to cuddle on my chest.
On a side note these are the most comfortable pajama leggings of all time. If I could wear them all day and everyday I would. Who am I kidding, I usually do. Just ask my husband.
I found this touch and feel book on amazon and had to scoop it up for Luca. The title alone sold me. I love sharing with him all the wonderful things that make fall the best season of all! And I love reading to him. I hope he grows to love reading as much as I do. I long for the day when he turns that first magical page...right now he eats books.
We started putting out a ton of fall decorations. Unfortunately, most of our decorations are in storage so next year we'll go all out. I know what you're thinking, "this isn't considered all out?!"
One thing I've learned about having nearly everything I own in storage is that I get by just fine without all the 'stuff' I thought I needed. It's nice to know you aren't bound to 'things.' This holiday season I really want to concentrate on my relationships--being a better listener, a better friend, and really being present. The iPhone has really put a damper on face-to-face communication. It's one of those 'things' I am talking about being bound too. As great as it is, it is also really annoying. That turned into a side tangent, I'm just rambling now, but how adorable are these Martha Stewart pinwheels???
and how cute is this baby boy in his bath tub?!
Tuesday Snoozeday, Hope you have a good one!