
My greatest teacher.

Things have been busy around here. I feel like I have a lot to accomplish in a short amount of time, but don't we all? Our house is slowly but surely starting to come together, we have tons of diy projects we want to accomplish, Miles' work schedule is more cram packed than ever, and we have a 7 month old on our hands! One thing I take pride in is my ability to follow through with things...buuuut I am a master procrastinator--in fact if Cal State would have offered a bachelors degree in procrastination I'd have been valedictorian. I am simply that good at it. I don't know when, how, or by what means things will get done, but what I do know is that they will. 

Luca was diagnosed a while back with plagiocephaly, which in layman's terms means flat spot. From the time he was born, my baby boy favored his left side. No matter how much we would adjust him or face him in different directions, he always ended up on his left. At four months we noticed the toll it had taken on his scalp. The entire left side of his head was as flat as a pancake. When I brought it up to our pediatrician he said it should self correct as he begins to spend more time on his stomach. Well, Lulu spent tons of time on his tummy, and we wedge pillowed him and the whole nine, but by six months there was only minor change. We were referred to a plastic surgeon who strongly suggested we put him in a cranial helmet to correct the problem. We agreed. Luca had a helmet created just for him that puts very light pressure on the spots that are well rounded and leaves gaps in the areas that are flat. When his head grows it will only be able to grow into the free space, rounding out his head and correcting the problem. Apparently plagiocephaly has become extremely common since they have switched babies over from sleeping on their tummies to their backs although I had never even heard of this issue until our little Lu was referred to a specialist. The helmet is pretty intense. Right now we are weaning him into wearing it, but eventually he will wear it for 23 hours a day for 4-5 months. He has been such a good sport about it so far, and I'm thankful that they have the ability to help him. I'm hoping the rest of the transition goes well for him, and I'm praying that the summer heat doesn't prove so intense this year. Sometimes we parents have to do what's best for our babies, even when it's difficult. As you can see, Luca always finds a way to smile through everything, this is one of my favorite things about him...His sweet innocence finds the good in everything. I could definitely take a lesson from him--slow down a bit, and stop taking everything SO seriously. This little boy...he's teaching me things I'd never have learned without him. When he's old enough to understand, he's due for an enormous thank you.
Happy Thursday Everyone! One day closer to Friday, and that's something we can all be thankful for!

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