
Happy Mother's Day

Here's a photo of my mom looking 90s fabulous sometime shortly before she had me. She was the best type of person who loved unconditionally, freely, wholeheartedly, and any other which way you could possibly imagine. Extremely simple and unassuming, no one was ever too young or old or too insignificant to be her friend. Never judging, she could pinpoint the good in everyone. She had such a way of making you feel important and exceptional. And what an exceptional human being she was.

I hope she is having the best mother's day wherever she is, serving aces on the tennis court, having a cadillac margarita, listening to 'the best of the 70s', and feeling the energy of all of those who love her. Here is to all the women who so wonderfully fill our lives with their motherly love, wisdom, and compassion. Happy Mother's Day from me and mine to you and yours!

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