
Sew you broke your toe, huh?

So I realize its been a few days since I've been on here, but this week has been pretty hectic for us. I've been feeling pretty bad with morning sickness for a good portion of the week, and on days where I'm not feeling well all I want to do is crawl into bed and lie there undisturbed until the episode passes. Poor Miles has been such a trooper throughout this entire pregnancy, always swaying in whichever direction the wind of hormones seems to blow us.

By Friday I was feeling a lot better and running all the errands I had neglected throughout the week, and in the midst of all the commotion I snagged my left pinky toe on the couch and completely broke it. I tried to go about the rest of my day thinking it was a bad stub, but the pain kept intensifying and by the time Miles got off of work the bruising and swelling spoke for themselves, not to mention my mini breakdown and flood of tears. I know the baby toe has to be one of the smallest bones in the body, but why is it that the smallest injuries always tend to hurt the worst, i.e. paper cuts, bee stings, tetanus shots, etc.? It could also be that maybe, quite possibly, I'm the world's biggest baby. Miles keeps reminding me that I do in fact have to give birth to a child in t-minus two months or so, and each time I just give him the "are you kidding me?" expression followed by the "you think I don't worry about that every day of my existence?" look. He makes a very valid point, but I'd rather live in my own fantastical world believing that the pain of my broken pinky toe far outweighs any discomfort to be caused by squeezing a watermelon out of a walnut. Even if I'm totally kidding myself, at least we got some good laughs from my chubby foot, and I'm preventing myself from having a full-fledged panic attack, for now anyhow...

In the mean time I'm simply going to work on healing his toe. Unfortunately, there is nothing a doctor can do for a broken toe that you can't do at home, so I didn't even bother with urgent care. Thankfully Miles, having his fair share of broken toes from skateboarding, had a sleeve-full of home remedies and for the rest of the weekend I alternated between epsom soaks, icing, and elevating, all of which helped tremendously.  I was pretty bummed to be couch-bound for the weekend, especially when I had been home all week, but on the upside, I found the cutest pattern and went on a crafting binge hand-stitching a mobile for the baby's crib. I was very pleased with the finished product and can't wait to hang it in the nursery. If you feel inclined to get your stitch on too, you can find the free pattern on this blog here.

In between all the needlework, we watched a few movies, had breakfast for dinner, refurbished Miles' childhood robot-shaped fan which he appropriately had named "robofan" sometime in the early 90s, and even managed to take a walk on the beach. It felt good to dip my feet in the ocean, the ultimate salt-soak, and the soft sand wasn't too bad either. There is something so freeing about looking out at the pacific ocean and imagining the stretch of nothingness between us and the next land mass. It is so grounding and humbling, at least for myself, remembering that there exists something so much bigger and so much more powerful than little ol' me, and I love being able to call that reminder my "home." Who knows where we will be living in the future, or even a few months from now, but as of now I can say I love where I live. What started out as an unfortunate week of events, turned into a great weekend at home, and nothing compliments a great weekend better than spending it with your best friend. And we keep floatin' on...

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