
Happy Veteran's Day: Honoring our soldiers

What a beautifully gloomy Tuesday which most of you have "off" in honor of our wonderful Veterans! My job took off Monday in lieu of Tuesday so we could enjoy a three-day weekend, and I love them for that. The rest and family time were much needed and seeing as we are already mid-way through our week when it has only just begun makes me want to jump for joy.
I feel so inclined to reflect upon our Veterans today. I think we too often take for granted our precious freedoms & country and in stark contrast think far too sparsely about the price those freedoms hold. Today I have been thinking heavily about the brave women & men who risk their lives, their most precious gift, courageously defending our liberties that we so often forget we are fortunate to have. For the families of our soldiers--everyday is veterans day, some days for better and other days for worse. With that being said, I was sad to I find the overall vibe surrounding Veteran's Day was excitement for all the wrong reasons. People simply seemed happy to take a weekday off regardless of the occasion. One thing I've learned thus far is that people will take freebies in observance of absolutely anything, especially when those "freebies" are in the form of days off work. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining, I enjoyed my three day weekend very much, I'm just trying to keep the reason relevant within the holiday--remembering those who have gone before us and celebrating those who are still with us.
 What brought all of this to the surface for me & stopped me dead in my tracks was a "Food City" commercial. Don't ask me why, but I broke out into tears while watching it. I think it was the emotional music and the generational connection, but regardless, it touched me. I've posted it to share
below! Okay, well enjoy the rest of your snooze day!

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