
On Wednesdays we wear...

I love fall. You know I love fall because I've informed you of this love at least once per post. Last year my sister so wonderfully coined the term "FALLELUJA!" I said it a bunch last year and I'll say it again now! FALL-E-LUJA! One of my favorite things about fall, aside from the smells, the changing of the leaves, the cooler weather, the food, the holidays, bundling up, building fires, I could go on forever, but what really tops my list of fall favorites is my wardrobe. I could be caught stalking pinterest at any given moment compiling outfits that involve scarves, chunky knit sweaters, boots and of course pom beanies! I'll be leaving for New York in a few weeks and I cannot wait to bundle up not just to look cute, but out of necessity! Luca is going to be my little snowman and I already got him a parka. A baby puff parka, does it get any cuter than that?! Nope, I don't think it does. Just to give you a visual, picture the michelin man with Luca's face and chunky cheeks. Now I am not claiming to be DVF (Diane von Furstenburg), but I love little comfy secrets and when I get I give. 
With that being said, I'm so happy to share with you the details of the most comfortable outfit I have compiled for fall. I love layers because in Southern California because you just never know when your going to have to strip it all down and call it summer. Now, I know most people think of J.jill as a grandmother's store, but I wouldn't care if they sold moo-moos, I would still shop there. I love their petite section because never do I have to hem my leggings or roll my sleeves. I promise you, you will find something here (the place is dangerous). There are so many little gems hidden amongst all the granny-chic turtlenecks & one of those diamonds in the ruff is this mixed textures open cardigan. I am wearing the sweater in "wheat heather." If you need one too, be sure to take advantage of the limited time discount code for 25% OFF all full-priced items. Just use the code COZY2 when ordering! (*Offer valid October 27, through November 19, 2013 on all full-priced, in-stalk items, excluding markdowns. Offer valid in stores (outlets excluded), at JJILL.COM or via catalog. Offer cannot be combined with any other offer, except the J. Jill credit card. For retail store purchases, this coupon must be presented. Limit one coupon per person for one-time use only. Certain brands & styles excluded. Discount not valid on previous purchases or gift card purchases and is exclusive of sales tax and shipping fees. No cash value).  
I love this sweater because it fits over flannels without making your arms look huge. I actually like being able to have my arms at my side whiteout feeling like there is a roll of toilet paper under my armpits. This sweater does the trick. The flannel I'm wearing under this super soft sweater is a boyfriend fitted plaid oxford from Gap, and you can find it in a variety of colors here.
Necklace (old) similar here, Shoes from here. Sunglasses here.

What are some of your favorite fall trends? I'd love to hear! 
Happy Hump Day! We're almost there! (To friday I'm mean!) with wednesday brains I figured I should specify! 

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